Listener Candidate


Maria Skelton    Send Email


  • Union rep
  • Advocate helping recently incarcerated people
    get back on their feet


  • Committee to Strengthen KPFK
  • Statement:


    My name is Maria Skelton and I'm a hard worker with twenty (20) years of working with the state and over ten (10) years as a union representative fighting for employee rights to better wages and health care. 

    I approach positive and negative situations with an open mind. I strongly believe that we should always be willing to take that first step and sit at the table with people that don't look like you, talk like you, dress like you or smell like you. But first we must be willing to take that first step. 

    My upbringing wasn't that great, but I was determined to break the chains that hold many African American families down. I was beat down daily with negative comments like I would never be anything, have anything, accomplish anything or amount to anything. 

    Those comments did hurt, but through the grace of God, I accomplished and was honored as "Democratic Woman of the Year" , an alternate for my Assemblyman and a board member of my neighborhood council. I've also received many awards and certificates from my mayor and congressional representatives for my willingness to help others. 

    My passion is helping re-entry people get back on their feet by supplying clothing, toiletries, references for shelter assistance , and record expungement events with a local nonprofit. I've planned and organized a Thanksgiving dinner for members of the police and fire department with homeless famillies by asking members of my community and local businesses to donate food. By remembering my days as a single parent not able to buy school supplies for my child, I planned and organized a free school supply giveaway for over three hundred (300) youth in Van Nuys with the help of community members, political officials, celebrities and business owners.

    1. What experience, connections, skills or traits would you bring to the local station board to advance the station's mission?

    I have experience organizing and planning events for the community which had 150-200 attendees of all nations, races, creeds and colors to gather at fun family events.


    2. What do you appreciate and value in the station's current operations?

    I appreciate and value the knowledge and information that the radio station provides for the listeners.


    3. What would you like to see improved or changed in the station's current operations?

    Improve the community events.


    4. Describe what you anticipate would be your top three priorities or areas of focus if you were elected to the local station board.

    1. Community involvement
    2. Celebrity guest hosts
    3. More involvement with schools


    5. Sustainability is an important part of any nonprofit operation. What are your thoughts on how the board can help to improve the station's financial footing?

    The board could get funding from neighborhood councils to hold workshops and classes for the community in writing and producing.


    6. Is there anything else you would like prospective voters to know?